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Site Notice

Kongresshaus Rosengarten
Berliner Platz 1
96450 Coburg
Phone: +49 9561 89-830

Fax: +49 9561 89-8384

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Management: Horst Graf
Registered office of the company: Coburg
Legal form: Kommunaler Legal form: Municipal Enterprise (Kommunaler Eigenbetrieb) of the City of Coburg, Public Corporation (Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts)
Value-added tax identification number in accordance with section 27 a of the Value-Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE132462698

Responsible for content

Horst Graf
Phone: +49 9561 89-830
Fax: +49 9561 89-8384
Responsible (in accordance with section 5 of the Telemedia Act (TMG)):
The websites named here offer the views and opinions of the persons named here.

Concept and web design:
webdesign bauer+bauer

© fotolia DWP.

Terms of use

Text, images, graphics and the design of these webpages are subject to copyright law. They may only be used for private and other personal use within the scope of section 53 of Copyright Law (UrhG). Copying or using these pages or parts thereof in other electronic or printed publications and their publication is only permitted with our consent. Those responsible for content may grant this permission on request. In addition, text, images, graphics and other files may be subject to third-party copyright law in whole or part. Those responsible for content will also provide you with more information regarding possible rights of third parties. Reprinting and use of press releases and speeches is permitted provided that the sources are cited.

Liability disclaimer

We have prepared and verified all of the information provided on this website to the best of our knowledge and ability. However, we cannot assume ongoing liability for the currency, accuracy, completeness and availability of the information provided. These webpages do not constitute a contractual relationship with users of the Internet presence. We are not liable for any damages incurred as a result of the use of this Internet presence. This liability disclaimer does not apply when superseded by the regulations set forth in section 839 of the German Civil Code (BGB) (liability in case of official misconduct). We are not liable for any damages incurred due to malware or the installation or use of software while accessing or downloading files.


A distinction must be made between links to our own webpages and links from our pages to third-party websites. We only offer visitors access to third-party content via these links in accordance with section 8 TMG. When we first linked our site to these pages we verified this third-party content to determine whether it might result in possible civil or criminal law liability. However, we cannot continually monitor this third-party content for changes and therefore we do not accept any responsibility for it. The respective page provider is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content, and in particular for damages arising from the use or non-use of third-party information.


Kongresshaus Rosengarten
Berliner Platz 1 • 96450 Coburg
Tel. +49 (0) 9561 89-830
Fax +49 (0) 9561 89-8384
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are here for you

Mon - Thur: 08:30-16:00 Uhr   •   Fri: 08:30-12:00 Uhr   •   Additional office service at events   •   Service Hotline     09561 89-830

© COBURG MARKETING Kongresshaus Rosengarten • Berliner Platz 1 • 96450 Coburg